Youth Work Training
YMCA Swansea is a registered Agored Cymru centre offering Level 2 and Level 3 training in a number of areas, but specializing in Youth Work education.

LGBTQ+ Awareness Raising and Training
YMCA Swansea can offer a range of PSE and training sessions on a wide variety of topics relating to the LGBTQ+ community.

Understanding Young Carers Training
YMCA Swansea’s Understanding Young Carers training raises awareness of Young Carers to professionals working with Young People.

Glyndwr Uni
During 2019, Youth Work students from Glyndwr university and YMCA Youth Work team, worked in partnership to consult with young people in South Wales on their views and understanding of the purpose of youth work. These views contributed to the young person’s version of the Welsh Governments Youth Work Strategy.
Senior Leader Training
Partnership working between Swansea Youth Service and YMCA Swansea has enabled the training and development of young youth leaders. Young people gain work experience and Agored Cymru Certificate for accreditation in Senior Member training.
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