Family & Youth Work

Health & Wellbeing

Training & Education

Support & Advice


Community Hub

Family & Youth Work

We believe that every family should have the support they need to develop and lead more fulfilling lives.

Health & Wellbeing

We believe that everyone should enjoy the benefits of good health and wellbeing.

Training & Education

We believe that every person should be able to fulfill their potential. We are a registered centre for Agored Cymru

Support & Advice

We believe that every person should have someone they can trust.


We believe that every person should have a safe place to stay.

Community Hub

Our vibrant Community Hub is in the heart of Swansea City Centre. With a range of services on offer, from our social businesses to our youth clubs – YMCA Swansea is a safe and accessible space for all, regardless background or age.

Everyone should have a fair chance to discover who they are and what they can become.

YMCA believes in fairness and opportunity.

There are essential building blocks for a full and rewarding life: a safe home; acceptance; guidance; friendship; physical and mental health; academic support; employment skills; and access to real opportunities.

Many Young People have never known these things; other people have lost one or more as they grew up, but we all need them. All of us. At YMCA, we provide these critical foundations for a fresh, strong start for Young People and a better quality of life in the community.


Dylai pawb gael cyfle teg i ddarganfod pwy ydyw a beth all fod.

Mae YMCA yn credu mewn tegwch a chyfle.

Mae yna flociau adeiladu hanfodol ar gyfer bywyd llawn a gwerth chweil: cartref diogel; derbyniad; arweiniad; cyfeillgarwch; iechyd corfforol a meddyliol; cymorth academaidd; sgiliau cyflogaeth; a mynediad at gyfleoedd go iawn.

Nid yw llawer o Bobl Ifanc erioed wedi gwybod y pethau hyn; mae pobl eraill wedi colli un neu fwy wrth iddyn nhw dyfu i fyny, ond rydyn ni i gyd eu hangen. Pob un ohonom. Yn YMCA, rydym yn darparu’r sylfeini hollbwysig hyn ar gyfer dechrau ffres, cryf i Bobl Ifanc a gwell ansawdd bywyd yn y gymuned.



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