
Click here to read our Safeguarding Policy (2024) in full

YMCA is committed to promoting best practice and ensuring that Children, Young People and Adults at Risk are free from harm and abuse. Where harm and abuse is recognised or suspected, YMCA expects staff and volunteers to respond and refer in accordance with our policy and operational procedures.

If you need to speak to someone about a safeguarding concern, you can:

  1. call the Police on 999 if the concern presents an immediate threat to a person’s safety
  2. call a YMCA Designated Safeguarding Officer, if the concern relates to a YMCA service user, staff member, volunteer, or activities taking place within YMCA buildings . Please report it here

Other Contacts:

  • Child and Family Information, Advice, Assistance and Reporting of Incidents inside of normal working hours: 01792 635700
  • Safeguarding Children Reporting Incidents after 5pm outside of Emergency Duty Team: 01792 775501
  • Safeguarding Adults Reporting Abuse and Neglect for Adults: 01792 636854
  • CEOP:
  • NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000
  • ChildLine: 0800 1111