Y-Supported Employment
The Y-Supported Employment Projects provided paid supported employment for people living in Swansea who are:
- Aged 25+
- Long term unemployed (12 months+) on Universal Credit
- Economically Inactive
- Low skilled or have work limiting health conditions
Each participant accessed a 16 week paid work placement (at National Minimum Wage) for 16 hours per week with an approved placement provider.
The project was ESF funded via WCVA Active Inclusion.
Pathways to Work
The Pathways to Work project piloted an innovative way of operating a delivery of support by local employability provision with multiple partners, working with key groups where there are currently gaps in provision.
The project consisted of 6 delivery partners supporting different cohorts of people bringing specialisms together to provide a co-ordinated approach and a more holistic support offer.
Funded by UK Community Renewal Fund

Together with Swansea Museum we created a history documentary about YMCA Swansea as part of National Museums Wales’ Winter of Wellbeing project. Throughout February and March 2022, we held filming and editing sessions to teach young people new skills, and to give them the chance to appear in the documentary.
As part of YMCA Swansea’s Summer Film School, we extended the Y-Legacy series to include several interview documentaries, capturing the memories of YMCA Swansea. Young people had the opportunity to film, direct and edit these chapters, learning new skills from industry professionals.

In partnership with the EU Solidarity Corps and the Welsh Centre For International Affairs, we provided opportunities for long term and short term exchange programmes for young people from Europe and Swansea. This programme aimed to inspire young people to learn about and act on European and Global issues to promote understanding and crate a fairer and more peaceful world.
Funded by the European Union.
Miriam and Filipe joined us at YMCA Swansea all the way from sunny Spain, and spent their time with us helping out at youth clubs, coaching sports sessions and developing their English.